CollaboCoding in P5

Last week we began playing with variables, introduced conditional statements and for loops, and overall added more to our bag of tricks. Our homework asked us to use some of these tools to create buttons or sliders that controlled some other element on the screen (without using buttons that we get for free from the browser or bootstrap-like tools.)

But really, this week was about learning how to make our code organized and commented well enough for another human to understand. So, I’ll reflect a bit about what worked and didn’t work so well while collaborating with a partner.

Our Approach

We decided to start our sketches individually rather than agreeing on a design before we’d had time to process the week’s lessons. Each of us took a couple of days to mock up a sketch of our own, then traded over the weekend to review and add to our partners’ sketch. On Monday/Tuesday before class, we chatted about our changes in-person and helped each other understand our additions or changes to each others’ code.


In my initial draft, my intent was to create a set of buttons that mapped to the basic parts of a sentence — subject, verb, adjective, noun — and changed each of those corresponding parts of a sentence with each button press. In order to do this, I knew I’d need to work with an array of strings and use some logic to randomly select from those arrays, then call the results of that logic in the rest of my code. I also knew that I’d need to use the mousePressed() or mouseClicked() functions with conditionals that mapped to each rectangular button.

As I began to figure out the word choice logic, I created variables with different pieces of the process; one variable to create a list of words, another to randomly select an index from that list, another to translate and store that index as an actual word. When I needed to wire that up to buttons, however, I realized that I’d either need— or drastically improve the efficiency of my code— with a function specifically for all of this logic. This took me away from animation, but ultimately was a rewarding process!

My partner created this very cool looking animation. Her goal was to have the background change to the roll-over color of each circle when pressed. However, there was initially some odd behavior that kept the background blue under certain conditions. I made it my goal to debug this issue and get her sketch working as she intended.


Once I got the code in my sketch working the way I wanted it to in a simple, very lightly styled interface, I focused on writing comments that would make the code immediately understandable for my partner, without needing to physically explain anything. For the most part, it worked— my partner was able to add a ton of animation and styling to the next iteration of the sketch. However, I failed to make clear why I created a “quarterW” and “quarterH” variable, so she ended up writing her on logic for rectangle sizing using the built-in width and height variables.

When we met face-to-face to talk through our results, we discovered an unintended behavior of the “frame” in her additions to my sketch, which we were able to debug together. While our comments helped us get 90% of the way, it was helpful to debug together. We were also able to discuss the changes to her sketch that debugged her initial vision (here). The solution was fairly straightforward to implement: at the very end of the code, the part that created toggles for on1, on2, and on3, we needed to ensure that if one button was on, the other 2 were off. By showing her how console logging the states of each “on” variable allowed me to see the unintended behavior in her initial sketch when multiple variables were on at the same time, we were able to quickly understand the roots of the bug.

Overall, the most useful part of this exercise was having to pay close attention to how our code was organized and commented, which will continue to be important as we start adding more and more to our toolkit!

Shoutout to Beste Saylar, my heretofore anonymous partner :)

For clarity: NK Draft, Beste revision // Beste Draft, NK revision

Creating a Static Drawing in p5js

Assignment Prompt: Create your own screen drawing: self-portrait, alien, monster, etc. Use 2D primitive shapes – arc(), curve(), ellipse(), line(), point(), quad(), rect(), triangle() – and basic color functions – background(), colorMode(), fill(), noFill(), noStroke(), stroke(). Remember to use createCanvas() to specify the dimensions of your window and wrap all of your code inside a setup() function

I started this assignment by reflecting about what I’d like to draw. Like so many assignments at ITP, from this early perspective at least, we had a lot of agency to take this in any direction. I recently came back from a trip to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park, so images of the outdoors are still fresh in my mind. After doing some research into the National Parks’ design system for Visual Language, I decided to make my own outdoor drawing.


I’m not very experienced in drawing, but regardless, with the assignment in mind I tried to keep the shaped in my sketch to those that I knew were possible with 2D primitives in p5. Part of my goal with the assignment was to familiarize myself with the basic drawing functions, including curves, before we moved on to more advanced concepts.

Along the way, my final image transformed. I started with a blue background and bright green grass— a sunny day, with trees and a river taking center stage. But when I looked at my screen after being away for a while, the brightness was a little jarring, and the river just didn’t look right. I tried varying the background to look more like a sunset— that looked better!

Then I started to move the sun around until it look natural. Behind the mountains or fully visible? Closer to the red part of the sunset or higher up? This was not a very scientific process— I looked at a couple sunset pictures but ultimately just went with my intuition.

After getting rid of the rivers (and my use of the curve function,) the screen looked a little too barren.

“Well, the assignment did mention a self-protrait as inspiration… How about I add a stick figure backpacker?”

This did the trick— now the image has a little more movement and a central character. I added some stars to the night sky emerging as the sun fades away.

The final image captured a little taste of the magic that I remember of the Tetons in the evening.

Image of a stick figure hiker hiking up a hill with mountains in the background, a sun fading, and a multi-color sky with stars starting to emerge.

To see the code for this image, go to this link: