The A-Minor Music Machine

So that this doesn’t get buried under the reflections below, here’s the sketch. I will update here when the version that works with Arduino is functional.


Within 10 minutes of posting this, I’ll probably be editing code again. This project, more than any up to this point, drove me insane and made me so happy.

At various points in the week, I grunted out loud to myself (and anyone in my general vicinity) as I failed to notice a missing “this.”; I enlisted a former software developer colleague to hop on the phone and talk me through questions late at night when office hours were no longer an option; I thought I’d reached a nice stopping place, then thought of one more feature, then looked up and another hour went by.

And in the process, my empathy for all the devs I know just increased exponentially from an already- empathetic place.

With the preamble aside— what was the assignment? What did I make?

The assignment this week was to use objects, classes, arrays of objects, and interactions between objects. I hadn’t yet used sound in a p5 sketch, so I made that a constraint for myself— do all of the above while using sound.

I got inspiration for this sketch from this example; after looking at it I wanted to see if I could replicate the effect on 4 different drum sounds on one canvas. I started by trying to get it working without any objects/classes, which you can see here. It worked! From there, I started to see a “sound” object coming together— something that had a type for each type of drum sound (kick, snare, etc). It would also be able to display itself and maybe analyze its amplitude. Simple, right?

The process of migrating this code to an object-oriented structure took a lot longer than I’d expected, and was the source of a lot of the grunting and requests for help. Ultimately, there were a couple of important lessons:

  • Understand variable scoping:

    • Global variables can be used.. um… globally.

      • When using something like p5.Amplitude this was a really important concept to internalize. p5.Amplitude measures the entire output audio unless otherwise specified. If p5.Amplitude is set globally, it’s not possible to setInput later on and have that used to, say, draw rectangle height like I do.

    • this.object is available for all object instances in the class

    • instantiating a variable inside a function within a class scopes that variable to just be available in the function

      • know when to use this vs a this.object

  • While debugging, isolate each action you are trying to perform independent of other actions.

    • Do this by finding or creating variables to console log in order to see whether the program in functioning as expected

  • Keep simplifying

    • I found myself, and still find myself, repeating some code with only small variations for particular cases. Instead of having a bunch of if statements to describe when to play a sound and the same set of if statements describe when to analyze a sound, maybe there could be a common variable that could pass to both .play and .analyze (in this case, this.sound.)


I recorded the drum sounds, chords and bass notes in Logic Pro X and exported each sound as an mp3. I loaded those into p5 and used preLoad to make them available to the rest of the sketch.

I used the p5.Amplitude, setInput, and getLevel functions to get the amplitude of any given sound file. I could then pass that amplitude reading (done in the draw function to get it continuously as the file is played) to the rectangle height parameter to create the drum visualizations. Those are triggered by keystrokes.

The chords are stored in an array. The right and left arrows cycle either up or down the array, resetting if they reach the end of the array. When they are created, they get passed a random number between 1 and 6. That number is used to change the background. A few of the numbers change the background color. Others don’t. The number assigned to an instance of an object is random, so there’s no rhyme or reason to when the background changes other than that it only happens when chords are played.

There are some white dots that appear occasionally. These are an array of “Item” objects that get triggered from within the display function. These appear when a particular random number in the chord object appears when a kick drum has been played. In order to make this happen, I created a state variable to measure whether the kick drum has been played (but resets after it gets played). When the kick (and clap, same logic) has played and the random number coincided, these ellipses appear until the condition is no longer true.

The bass notes trigger the triangular visualization in a similar way.

All in all this has been a really rewarding project to really ramp up my understanding of a number of things. As an added bonus, it is a great foundation for working with serial communication in PComp: the variables controlled by keystrokes will be controlled by buttons and other things out in the real world!