The Futility of Attraction (Plenty of Fish)


Use concepts related to vectors and forces to create a sketch with a basic physics engine.

Idea Summary:

Sometimes the harder you try, the harder it is to find love! In this Valentine’s Day sketch, you are the circle at the center of the sketch and are trying to “find love” by intersecting with another circle and staying with it over time. However, the longer you try to stay with the companion circle, the more it will try to get away! Sad. There are, however, always more fish…erh, ellipses… in the sea… sketch… whatever.

Background and Process:

I used Shiffman’s sketch about “attraction with many movers” as the model for my sketch. My goal for the week was to successfully deconstruct this sketch and get a good understanding of how velocity, acceleration and forces work with vectors. I also wanted to shake off the rust and make sure I could implement collision detection and edge checking.

I’ll skip over the tales of failed relationships that left me momentarily jaded while creating the sketch :P Don’t worry— my optimism tank refills quickly!

While de/re-constructing the sketch, there were a few simple takeaways.

  • To implement edge checking, I needed to change both the x and y position and also the x and y velocities; this is the equivalent of changing x,y, and speed when recalling our nomenclature in ICM.

  • To flip attraction to repulsion, I needed to flip the sign of the force’s strength

  • To do collision detection, I wanted to check to see moments when the combined radii of the attractor and mover were equal. I realized after some unsuccessful attempts that I needed to shift to checking an inequality since floats are rarely exactly equal.

  • To make the acceleration of repulsion faster, I made the range of the constrain function narrower.